Your Order


About Thyme Testing

convenient home blood tests provide the insights to help you live a healthier life. You can check your cholesterol levels, manage an existing health
condition, or learn how to improve your lifestyle.

Our at home tests enable you to discuss your results with one of our private GPs and make
lasting health changes. They can guide you on next steps, including alterations in diet, exercise, supplements and more.


Important info to note before you take your test

  • Make sure the name and date of birth you entered when purchasing the test matches the Test Request Form, the online activation form and the labels on the tubes.
  • Before you start, please check the kit is within the expiry date prior to use.
  • If the kit seal is broken and any components within the kit are damaged, do not
    use the kit and contact your kit provider.
  • Carefully read the 'Instructions for Use' leaflet as failure to follow the procedure could lead to an invalid sample.
  • Make sure you activate your kit online and enter all details correctly. Failure to do so may result in your sample being rejected.
  • Have all the materials needed for the blood collection laid out in front of you with some clean tissues before starting.
  • If you are unable to collect enough blood in the tube, please do not return the
    sample as it will not be possible to process your results. If this occurs, please notify

Warnings & Precautions

  • It may not be possible to obtain a blood sample using a finger-prick puncture.
  • If you’ve had a mastectomy, blood samples should be taken from fingers on the
    opposite side of your body. If you’ve undergone a double mastectomy, please contact your doctor before proceeding.
  • Alcohol wipes and sterile plasters should be used as described in the 'Instruction
    for Use' to minimise the risk of infection.
  • Problems with bleeding and infection can occur with any method of blood collection.
  • Possibility of feeling faint.
  • Bruising of the puncture site is common. If you experience any health complications
    such as excessive bleeding, swelling or an allergic reaction, please contact your doctor immediately.
  • Potential infectious material - take necessary precaution to minimise contact with
    blood both during and after use.
  • This kit should not be used by anyone with bleeding or clotting disorders, anyone taking anti-coagulants, or by patients taking immunosuppressive drugs or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Unlabelled samples will not be processed.
  • Samples arriving at the laboratory which show signs of haemolysis, degradation or general damage may not be tested.
  • The kit should not be used by individuals who lack the physical or mental capability to correctly follow the instructions for self-collection. If you have problems, please consult with your advising healthcare

How does Thyme Testing work?


Order your kit

Visit the website:

Start by signing up and providing your details. After selecting and ordering your test
online, your Thyme kit will be dispatched by Royal Mail. There is also no need to be at home when it is delivered as it conveniently fits through your letterbox.


Take your test

Your Thyme kit comes complete with all essentials for a hassle-free finger-prick blood
test. After conducting the test, place it in the supplied Royal Mail Tracked24 return box and drop it into a post-box, where it be swiftly delivered to our
UKAS accredited trusted laboratory. Following thorough analysis, a professional
GP will oversee and review the findings.


Receive your results

Your results will be securely emailed to you within two business days of the Lab receiving the sample.

Your detailed report, curated by a licensed GP, will give you an in-depth understanding of your results. You will even be able to book a follow up consultation with one of our GPs via video link for a small additional charge.


Can I add additional tests to my package?

You can order as many test kits as you like. Just add your required tests to your basket and checkout in one go.


How will my kit be sent to me?

Your test will be sent to you by Royal Mail. Once your kit has been dispatched, we sadly
can't adjust the tests chosen. Here's why: inside each kit is a personalised set of test instructions for the lab. This ensures they know precisely what to check. Due to our commitment to top-notch procedures and audit standards, this specific instruction sheet isn't changeable after dispatch. We truly appreciate your understanding on this.


Who is eligible to use Thyme tests?

Thyme services are exclusively for UK and Channel Islands residents.

Any orders for delivery outside the UK will be refunded and cancelled.

While Thyme can be accessed in Northern Ireland, it is unavailable in the Republic of Ireland.

 4.1) Is Thyme Suitable for

Thyme is designed for adult users in the UK. It is not available for anyone under 18. We do not recommend any testing under the age of 18 and always advise that you consult a doctor first. We will not process any samples from underaged patients as per our terms and conditions.

4.2) What are the Recommendations for Sample
Collection for Those with Physical Disabilities?

To improve blood collection for the sample we suggest light activities like skipping in place or standing.  If you are unable to stand or skip, then you could
consider methods like:

  • Rotating your arm
  • Regularly making a fist and releasing.

 4.3) Can Transgender Individuals
Use Thyme?

Thyme is committed to leading the way in preventative health for everyone, no matter their gender Our health benchmarks are based on biological sex parameters. By sharing your information e.g., your gender and any other health details or
medications within your Health Profile, our GPs can get a more accurate picture of you and as a result be able to assist you more effectively when discussing your results.

Delivery of your test kit


When should I contact you if my kit hasn't arrived?

Our kits are dispatched through Royal Mail. If you order between Monday and Friday before 1pm, we usually ship on the same business day. Most orders are delivered within 2-3 business days.

You’ll receive an email from Royal Mail letting you know that your kit has been dispatched. You’ll receive a second email letting you know the day the kit is due to be delivered and you’ll receive a third email when your kit is delivered.

You can track your order with the tracking number emailed to you by Royal Mail.


How long should I wait before reaching out about my undelivered kit?

While rare, kits can sometimes experience postal delays. If it's been over ten business days since your purchase and you've yet to receive your kit, kindly contact our support team at with
your confirmed delivery address. We'll promptly send you a replacement kit at no additional cost.

Please be aware: Thyme is exclusively available for UK-based adults. We cannot
accommodate international orders at this time. Any orders intended for delivery outside the UK will be voided, and a complete refund will be provided.


Is it necessary for me to be home to accept my kit when it's delivered?

No, you don't have to be present when the kit arrives. Our test kits are designed to fit easily through your letterbox and don't need a signature upon delivery.


Are the kits discrete?

Yes, we always send our kits in unmarked packaging to ensure your privacy, especially if you'd like to keep your testing confidential.


What should I do if my kit arrives damaged?

Once your kit is dispatched, it will be delivered straight to your letterbox. Upon receiving it, do a quick visual check against the provided image to ensure it
hasn't been damaged during delivery. If there are any discrepancies, reach out
to us at and we'll swiftly replace it for you.


Can I store my kit if I don't want to do it straight away when it's delivered?

If you're not ready to use the kit immediately upon arrival, no worries. Just ensure its kept in a location that's cool and dry. Placing your kit somewhere
visible is a good idea—it'll serve as a gentle reminder to complete your test. However, avoid areas with direct sunlight or any location with extreme temperature fluctuations.

Make sure to use it by it's expiration date.

a) Why does my kit have an expiration date?

The tubes in your kit are filled with additives designed to stabilise the blood as it travels back to the lab. That's why we advise using your kit within a
two-month window.

b) Where can I find my kit's expiration date?

Just look at the date labelled on your delivery box, next to the hourglass.

Guide to taking your test


What Should I Expect in My Home Test Kit?

Your kit comes complete with everything necessary for conducting your test and sending in your sample. Once you've used it, the kit packaging can be recycled.

a) Tubes. You may get a purple tube, a yellow tube, or both.

Each tube is designed for specific tests. Check the expiration date on the tube;
typically, it's valid for three months from when you receive it. 

b) 1 x Biohazard bag. This is a protective plastic bag, ensuring your sample is safe during postage back to the

c) 1 x Absorbent pad. Please place your absorbent pad inside your biohazard bag.

d) 3 x Lancets. Three single-use lancets are included in the kit. These lancets are designed to create a small cut for safe and easy collection of capillary blood from fingertips. 

e) 2 x Plasters. The kit contains plasters that are meant for medical use. Use them on your fingertip if it continues to bleed after filling your tubes.

f) 2 x Alcohol wipes. An alcohol wipe is provided for pre-pricking cleaning.

g) 1 x Cleansing wipe. A cleansing wipe is available for post-pricking care.

h) 1 x Instructions. Created by our Thyme team, the guidelines offer a simple sequence for preparation, sample collection, and postage. You can also view our instruction video on the ‘How it works’ page of the website.

i) 1 x Test Request Form. This form guides the lab on the tests needed for your sample. It's essential for the processing of your sample. Please make sure you fill this out with the same
details you used to activate your kit online.

j) Label sheet. Every tube
needs to be labelled with your name and date of birth to ensure its processed by the lab. Pinch the label together around the tube so all information is visible.

k) 1 x Return Mailing Box. Your kit will include a return biological substance envelope. Please attach your pre-paid Tracked24 shipping label before you post back your sample. Royal Mail handles collection and delivery to our lab, and you can easily send it by dropping it in a post box without the need to visit the Post Office.

l) 1 x Security Seal. To be
placed on the return mailer box where indicated before placing in the returnable envelope.


Will the blood taking process be painful?

The lancets in the kit are crafted to make the tiniest and least painful prick imaginable.
It may feel like a brief, sharp pinch, akin to being pricked by a rose bush, but many users don't feel it at all, and it's generally considered less painful than expected.


How much blood should be collected in each tube?

It’s important to supply a full sample. For a yellow-topped tube, fill it at least to the
upper line to ensure all results are successfully processed. For a purple-topped tube, fill to the upper line too, then close and invert it as quickly as possible.

a) What if I've only filled one of the 2 tubes I've received?

Should you have two tubes in your kit, both need to be filled and mailed together. If you're struggling, dispose of the old tubes and contact us at

We'll provide a free replacement kit with additional instructions for your next


Preparing for the Test: Should I Fast?

It’s not necessary, but for the clearest health readings, refrain from eating for 8 hours prior to taking your blood sample. Ideally, do this early in the morning
before breakfast, and a shower can help blood flow. Stay hydrated for optimal results. Drinking black coffee or tea is perfectly acceptable.


How can I make getting the blood sample easier?

  • Warm your hand up in some warm water for a few minutes.
  • Engage in some light exercise to get your blood flowing. Even swinging your arm around can help.
  • Hydrate! Drink lots of water before taking your test.

What is the best time for taking my test?

It’s important to get your samples back to us as quickly as possible, therefore It's advised to collect your sample early on Monday to Thursday and send back the
same day. If tested later in the day, mail before the day's final post-box collection.


How long does the whole test process take?

You need to allocate roughly 30 minutes to complete your test from laying out all the contents to registering and packaging up your kit ready to post back.


What is the step-by-step process for taking my test?

Watch our instruction video here; How to take your Thyme Test Kit
blood sample

Returning your kit to us


When should I post my test?

To minimise delays, we recommend sending your sample on weekdays (Monday - Thursday) through a priority post-box. 

Before Posting Your Sample:

  • Be sure to have activated your test online. Instructions and a link to the activation portal are on the outside of your test box.
  • Check that you have labelled your samples using the vial barcode labels provided.
  • Ensure you place your biohazard containing your sample, and your test request form into the inner return box.

Where can I post my test?

You can use a post-box to send us your samples, there’s no need to go to a post office.
Find your nearest Post-Box here:

near you | Royal Mail Group Ltd

Your results


How can I get my results?

Once the lab receives your sample, we will notify you via email. Analysis of your blood
will then take place, and the results link will be emailed to you. Once you enter your email address and password as instructed you results will be displayed in an easy-to-read PDF document.  


How long does it take to receive results?

Once we receive your sample at the Lab it will take 48 hours to run your tests, to produce your report and for our GPs to send your results via email link.


What does "optimal" mean in my result?

Great news! An optimal result is a positive sign. It means you're within the range that's linked to better health and well-being.


What if my results come back "abnormal"?

An abnormal result is that which is outside of the normal reference range for your age and gender, further detail surrounding the abnormal result will be provided on the report as below:

  • Explanation of the result
  • Potential reasons for the abnormality
  • Friendly advice on steps to consider.
  • Recommendation on consulting with your GP, if necessary.

Rest assured, any critical concerns will be explicitly highlighted and we're with
you every step of the way.


Why were my results not processed?

a) Haemolysing

Haemolysing is when the red blood cells are ruptured and spill their contents, mostly
haemoglobin, into their surroundings, blood plasma.

You can avoid Haemolysing by not squeezing too close to where you pricked your finger.
This can burst your blood cells, meaning the sample is unusable.

Aim to get the blood flowing by moving your arm and putting it in a bowl of warm water. Then you should massage your hand further up from the point you have pricked it.

b) Clotted sample

Your blood can clot if you don’t mix your tube as shown in the instructions. Or if you’ve used a tube that has expired. You can avoid your blood from clotting by:

  • Inverting your tube as described in the instructions for proper blood mixing.
  • Mixing your blood straight after collection
  • Filling your blood tube to the line

Clotting can also happen if there is too much of a gap between collecting your sample
and posting it back to our Lab.

c) Not enough blood

You need to fill the tube with enough blood so we can run your tests. For both the purple
and the yellow vial you’ll need to fill your blood to the upper line. If you don’t fill the tubes to the required level, we can’t guarantee that the Lab will be able to run your tests fully.

On some occasions your sample will be rejected even if you filled the tubes up to the
right level. This means that there was an insufficient amount of viable blood to run all the tests. If this is the case, your sample has either clotted or haemolysed.

d) Labels Matter!

Correctly completed labels ensure we can verify the identity of the person completing the tests and ensure the lab are abiding by regulatory standards

e) Did you post both samples?

If your kit came with two tubes, both need to be filled. They each serve a distinct purpose, and for a complete analysis, the lab needs both.

f) What's next for you?

Our GPs oversee all results. If many of your results are missing, they'll recommend a
retest, and you'll soon receive an email with details about your new kit.

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How to contact us

If you’d like to ask us a question the easiest way to get in touch with us at Thyme is to drop us an email to If
you’ve already ordered a kit from us please be sure to include your full name,
booking reference number and the email address you used when registering so we
can find your details asap.

If you’d prefer, you can Live Chat on our website to one of our fantastic support team,
who are available to answer any question you may have. 

You can also speak to one of our friendly team on phone by dialling 0330 179 2000.


Quality & data


We work with a one of the top labs in the UK ensuring our test results are of the highest standard.

Our laboratory partner is accredited to ISO15189 and audited by UKAS which ensures they are operating to the highest quality standards for medical laboratories.

Kit Standards

Our home testing kits are UKCA marked which means that it meets the health and safety
requirements for products made in the UK.

Data Protection

We work hard to ensure your data is safe with us. Please see our Privacy Policy on the
website for more detail:


You can rest assured that your data is in safe hands. We have technical and organisational security measures in place and consistently monitor our GDPR
compliance. To read our full privacy policy please visit our website.


Cancellation & refund policy

Thyme kits can only be ordered by over 18s and by those living in the UK. Any orders placed by those living outside the UK will be cancelled and a full refund will be given. 

Once you’ve ordered your kit you have 14 days after receiving the goods to request a refund.

We will offer a refund if you decide to cancel the order within 14 days of receiving
the kit, minus the cost of the kit itself, which is £20.00. (we cannot accept returned Test Kits for health and safety reasons).

We will make any reimbursement due to you without undue delay, and not later than fourteen (14) days after the day on which we are informed about your decision
to cancel.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.


CQC Registered

Thyme is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and rated as ‘Good’.

Health and Wellbeing Centre - Care Quality Commission (