Thyme Testing

Advanced Multivitamin Test

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Measures the levels of vitamins in the blood to help identify nutritional deficiencies that could be affecting your overall health. Tests for:

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B12 (total)
  • Magnesium

Inflammation, and lipids

What can you learn from this test?

This blood test is useful for checking your overall vitamin and mineral levels. Identifying a vitamin deficiency can provide insights into potential causes of frequent illnesses, low energy levels, irritability, and anxiety. Optimising levels of your vitamins and minerals is an important way of ensuring that you feel and perform at your best.

  • Health & wellness
  • Mood & energy
  • Nutrition
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Advanced Multivitamin Test
Advanced Multivitamin Test
Advanced Multivitamin Test

What are we testing?


Vitamins & Minerals

Why test it?

Identifying a vitamin deficiency can provide insights into potential causes of frequent illnesses, low energy levels, irritability, and anxiety. Optimising the levels of your vitamins and minerals is an important way of ensuring that you feel at your best.

What it affects

Energy, Mood, Sleep, Fitness, Long-term health



Why test it?

C-reactive protein (CRP) is closely associated with inflammation within the body. Inflammation can have wide-ranging effects on your health, such as heart health, mood, sleep patterns, and weight management.

Elevated CRP levels are also correlated with several other health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and certain types of cancer.

Monitoring this can keep a check on your overall health and help identify potential health risks associated with inflammation.

What it affects

Long-term health, Mood, Weight, Sleep



Why test it?

Cholesterol is a type of fat in your bloodstream. It plays vital roles such as supporting cell function and producing vitamin D, bile acid, and hormones like testosterone and oestrogen. However, an excess of cholesterol can be harmful and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

High cholesterol is linked to lifestyle factors such as a diet high in fatty foods and insufficient physical activity.

What it affects

Long term health, Fitness

It’s quick and easy to check your health from the comfort of your own home.

How it works


Unpack your kit

Check the instructions before you start


Take your test

Your home test kit will arrive within two days. Follow the step-by-step instructions to provide your blood sample, and pop it back in the post to our lab as soon as possible.


Get your results

We’ll email you your results report, which will include comments from an experienced GP. Book an online appointment with a Thyme GP if you’d like to discuss your results and next steps.